Here, Cole describes his project in his own words:

“In my organize activity I cleaned up a local baseball park by my house that is located right on the lake shore. To organize the clean-up, I created a group chat with many people who are involved with baseball in the community. In the clean-up we put up the batting cage nets. When putting up the batting cage nets 2 people had to get on a ladder and many others would help feed the nets up to the people on the ladders so the net would connect at the top. While some people were putting up the net’s others were raking up spare leaves both on the field and in the dugouts. Also, [the inside of] the dugouts were painted and patched up. A bat rack that was deteriorating was painted in the same color as before. We also cut the lawn and added stripes to the outfield with the mower. Another thing we did was we put together the batting practice cage up and added the nets to that as well, so it is able to hit on the field with it now…The field cleanup resulted in more people wanting to use the field and come to watch games on the field.

Are YOU interested in organizing an activity similar to Cole’s? Here are his tips for you:

  • Organize your event well before you actually do the event
  • Organize either a group chat of the people you know are going to help you on your activity or post about your activity on social media or put-up flyers at local places where you know you could gain interest from locals in the area
  • Look at the weather forecast and wind speeds for that day that you want to do it on and possibly think about changing the day based off of inclement weather or high wind speeds, because when I was doing my activity it was pretty windy on the day where we were putting the cages up on there was people on ladders and that wasn’t very safe, so it would’ve been easier if it was less windy that day
  • Get a head count or an accurate estimate on how many people you think are going to show up and help so you don’t have too little or too many to the point where there are just too many people, and many are just standing around

Want to see what Cole did? Check out his video!