During Noah, Maria, Alyssa, and Kathy’s semester that they took their Ethics course, it had been publicly announced that there were hundreds of people living in a “camp” made of tents in Minneapolis. These people were of Native American heritage and many faced obstacles or challenges in their lives. This group of four decided to help with basic necessities that gave those living in the camp the potential to save money and look for better places to live. The group decided to donate warm winter gear, feminine products, and sleeping bags to keep people warm throughout the night. The way that this group decided to relate the project to Ethics was that this was a Kantian imperfect duty– “something that we do sometimes, but we choose when, how much, and how” we do the task. The group had to take the time to rummage through closets, ask for donations, and plan meetings despite having hectic schedules of their own. This is an example of an “imperfect duty” because the group had to make the conscious decision to help out and go out of their way to do so.

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