Kylie wanted to make a change in the lives of veterans but knew she needed community support to really get her collection going. Who could Kylie ask? She was just one person. Kylie realized she could organize the students, faculty, and staff at the elementary school where she worked to help her out. She sent home fliers asking for the most needed items for veterans. Through donations of toothbrushes, toothpaste, and other basic necessities, Kylie gave the veteran’s shelter the opportunity to put money that would’ve gone for these basic necessities to fund other things.

Why is this important? Kylie writes: “The donations that were collected were a way of forming a relationship between those giving and those receiving. The formation of this relationship takes place when donations are received because even though the people receiving may not know where the donations are coming from they feel a connection or a feeling that someone cares for them. It is safe to say that we do have a responsibility for each other, and by gathering donations and distributing them like I did for my project, we can create a more caring environment, full of awareness and responsibility for others.”

Check out her page and video at: