After some research, Ayleah learned that those experiencing homelessness often are in need of fresh socks. She decided to reach out to friends and family to collect socks. But, she wanted to do more than meet the materials needs of people. She wanted to show care for their circumstance too. She bought boxes and included pop rocks in them. This way, it felt like she was giving something more than just socks.

Ayleah sent a flyer to friends and family asking for help. She collected donations, went shopping for supplies, and invited friends over to help assemble the boxes. Together, they made 75 boxes to donate!

Are you interested in doing something like Ayleah? Here are her tips for YOU in her own words:

  • One thing that I wish I had done earlier was start asking for donations. I feel like since I made a sent out the flyer only a little over a week before the project was due I wasn’t able to make as many donations.
  • Another thing I wish I would have done with the flyer is sent it to as many people as possible. I only sent it to a handful of people because I didn’t think people would want to donate; but you never know.
  • Another thing I wish I would have considered more is what paint I used on the boxes. I picked colors that were not very pigmented, so they needed to be repainted a few times. Because of this it took my friends and I a lot longer than it should have. I also wish that I had set aside more time for us to actually paint. I felt like we were rushed and so the boxes looked a little more messy than I anticipated.
  • One last thing I wish I would have done differently would be to set more time aside for this project. I started Maybe a little over 2 weeks before it was due. I think I would have been able to get a better effect if I started 4 weeks early because then I would be able to have more fun with it and be overall less stressed.


To see Ayleah’s Flyer, click here!