For Bre’s project, she decided to have a bake sale at her mom’s workplace, Optum Health. The bake sale was to raise money and awareness for the organization called Good Karma Animal Rescue. A foster-home-based located in Maple Grove, MN. By raising money for this organization it not only funded vet visits for the pets in the program but also for other necessities the animals may be need.

“I will be having my bake sale on one of the many floors and send out emails to all of the co-workers as well as posting up flyers. My younger sister has graciously offered to help host my bake sale with me as well as my mother. With each baked good I plan on handing out a flyer on more information on Good Karma and what the people can do to get more involved.”

First, Bre decided to host a bake sale because baking is something she’s good at. She knew that she’d be able to enjoy and do her project well. She chose her mom’s workplace because they host a bake sale around that time every year.

She then went out to many places including Target, Dollar Store, Michael’s and cub to collect supplies for the bake sale such as decorations, plates, napkins, and also ingredients for baked goods.

She contacted the head of Good Karma Animal Rescue through a co-worker at her Elm Creek Animal Hospital job to ask questions on more ways she could help. After talking, Bre was able to find out that they were also in need of Stainless Steel bowls and leashes. She then added that to the fliers that she’d posted at her mother’s workplace and also added it to the Powerpoint that was sent to many of the employees at her mother’s workplace as well.

While at her mother’s work, her mom and her had to call to have tables delivered and a space reserved for the bake sale.

She then made a sign up sheet for both her mother’s workplace and her own job at the animal hospital, for people to make baked goods to sell as well.

The head of Good Karma offered that her volunteers also bake some goodies.

Bre spent an entire day baking different goodies for the bake sale. She also had to drive to a few locations to pick up the baked goods that people had made. With the help of her sister, mother, and a few others, they set up and decorated the tables that the goodies would be placed on.

After a month of planning and preparation work,  the sale was a wonderful success with a total of $824.35!

This is Bre holding a check of the money she earned
Money earned for a good cause